* = Required Field
The management and staff Great Plains Business Development Center and it's advisors known as the Recipient, hereby agree that the information in this inquiry and further information gained from follow up interviews and conversations regarding the business, ideas or plans of the submitting party are considered to be Confidential Information. The Recipient shall not furnish or divulge Confidential Information to any external entity without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party or order from the Court. Examples of businesses that might be found inappropriate would be: one that includes handling of certain hazardous materials, any business deemed illegal, and businesses not in start-up or expansion, etc.
Upon review, we may request that you submit a copy of a business plan for the business planning to be in the Business Development Center. If you require assistance with preparing a business plan, please contact: Jennifer McGrail at (580)250-5556 or jmcgrail@greatplains.edu or Morgan Gould at (580)250-5553 or mgould@greatplains.edu
Note that all applicants accepted into the program are subject to a background check.